Elasticsearch (ES) is a very easy and powerful search platform. Based on the trusted and beloved Lucene platform, ES offers everything Lucene offers and more such as replication and sharding for horizontal scaling and faceted filtration (aggregations) of results and you can get an instance up and running in less time than Solr. This is one of the biggest advantages over Solr. All you have to do is install, add documents, and then query for results. That's all there is to get started. Of course there are much more to it if you want to use the platform to maximize its benefits, but you can have a simple system up and running in no time.Installation
- sudo -i (root user)
- yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 (latest Java)
- java -version (verify)
- wget (download)
- rpm -ivh elasticsearch-2.3.3.noarch.rpm (install)
Configuration files are in:
Init script in:
Execution Commands:
service elasticsearch start
service elasticsearch stop
service elasticsearch restart
Two configuration files are located in: /etc/elasticsearchelasticsearch.yml - Everything except logging
logging.yml - Logging (by default all logs are in: /var/log/elasticsearch)
For the most part, all your config changes should take place in the elasticsearch.yml file. This is where you can determine if everything should run locally only or could be bound to an external IP address. In a production environment you would choose the localhost option. But if you do have to bind to an external IP for the purpose of testing and visualizing your data, please make sure these config line items are in there: localhost
http.port: 9200
In your firewall settings, please open up port 9200 to all incoming traffic. This is the default port for ES.
ES does not officially have a web UI that displays system status and health like Solr. ES communicates purely on a RESTful API to perform all its tasks. Therefore if you point your browser to:http://IP:9200
All you will see is a JSON response object that should tell you basic info such as cluster and node info if the installation was successful. Some other URLs you can try are:
GUI Tools
Having a tool to visualize your data would be great. There are tools available and they all make RESTful calls to ES and parse the resulting JSON response into a more pleasant visual experience that you can see on your screen. One such tool is the Head Plugin. The Head Plugin allows for visual display of system status instead of JSON data and performs search queries.To install, issue the following commands:
cd /usr/share
elasticsearch/bin/plugin -install mobz/elasticsearch-head
To view, point your browser here:
With this tool, you can see all your clusters, nodes. shards, as well as issue search commands and much more.
Another option is the Kibana App. This app also allows for visualizations but can render results in graphs and charts for even more detailed analyses.
To install, please issue the following commands:
- sudo -i
- rpm --import (download and install public signing key)
- nano /etc/yum.repos.d/kibana.repo (create repo)
- Copy, paste, save, exit:
name=Kibana repository for 4.5.x packages
enabled=1 - yum install kibana
- service kibana start
To view, please point your browser here:
Again, please make sure your firewall inbound rules allow for TCP connections from port 5601
The default config file should allow for external IP connections but if you want to disable that in the production environment, do it here and change to localhost:
Mappings and Schemas
A major difference between ES and Solr is that in Solr, the index schemas have to be predefined before you can add to the indexes. Types such as strings or integers and whether or not a field is analysed or not have to be defined right at the beginning. With ES, you can start adding documents to an index right from the start. If an index does not exist, it will be created. There are no schemas in ES, rather mappings. Mappings define what the fields are and what their datatypes are. If a mapping is not defined, then ES will be smart enough to guess what it is based on the first document added to the index. The only complication in this approach is if your data changes after the first document was added. If you keep your data consistent then there is no reason to worry. Even if you change your mind in the future, it is easy enough to define a new mapping in a new index and re-index everything from the old index into the new. This is necessary because once a field is defined in a custom mapping, you cannot change it.Sample Commands
Add a new document and show response formatted neatly:curl -X PUT 'localhost:9200/tutorial/helloworld/1?pretty' -d '
"message": "Hello People!"
This document will be stored in the "tutorial" index of type "helloworld"
Retrieve a document and show response formatted neatly:
curl -X GET 'localhost:9200/tutorial/helloworld/1?pretty'
Search for a term in specific fields:
curl -X GET "http://localhost:9200/_search?pretty" -d'
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "hello",
"fields": ["id","message"]
Retrieve a mapping:
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/_mapping?pretty'
Add a new field to existing mapping:
curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:9200/tutorial/helloworld/_mapping' -d '
"helloworld" : {
"properties" : {
"message2" : {"type" : "string", "store" : "true"}
Re-index documents from one index to another without retaining versions:
curl -X POST 'localhost:9200/tutorial2' -d '{
"mappings" : {
"helloworld2" : {
"properties" : {
"message" : { "type" : "string", "store": "true" }
curl -X POST 'localhost:9200/_reindex' -d '{
"source" : {
"index" : "tutorial"
"dest" : {
"index" : "tutorial2",
"version_type": "internal"